Front-end Development - Setting Up Foundation Access Theme:
- Install dependencies
- Git
- Node
- Npm
- Grunt
- Bower
git clone --recursive elmsln
cd elmsln/system
git pull origin master
(or 1.x.x or whatever branch you want)cd core/dslmcode/shared/drupal-7.x/themes/elmsln_contrib/foundation_access/legacy
npm install
bower install
- Work from Foundation Access theme directory in SublimeText
- SFTP grunt-compiled theme CSS, icons, or [template].tpl.php files into vagrant to make changes
- To make template changes to a sub-theme, you must also sftp the desired sub-theme's .tpl files into vagrant
Note: to work on the templates of the various sub-themes, navigate to elmsln/core/dslmcode/profiles/...
As of now, due to the Zurb Foundation breakpoints mixins being compiled in Foundation Access, all theme CSS is handled in the Foundation Access theme, and templates (IE - page.tpl.php) are modified in the individual service sub-themes. Compiling SASS in a sub-theme and uploading the CSS would double the amount of CSS loaded for each theme and would override Foundation Access styles back to stock Zurb Foundation. Perhaps a better workflow can be figured out to distribute the css in a more efficient manner.
Service / Authority sub theming
For a starting point Sub-theme to work from, see core/dslmcode/profiles/ulmus-7.x-1.x/themes/SUB_foundation_access
. Rename all SUB in the files to whatever the service name is. OR, if you are sub-theming a service's sub-theme then you can name this to whatever make sense for your group. Just make sure that the file is updated to reflect it being a sub-theme of a sub-theme.
Viewing an ELMSLN theme in a browser
cd elmsln
vagrant up
- To see the various themes in use: (combination of foundation_access and SERVICE_foundation_access themes)
- CIS:
- Course (MOOC)
- Media
Commit and Pull Request Instructions
- Fork the
repo by clicking fork in the top right. - take your changes you've worked on, overwrite the files in the fork repo
- create an issue in the issue queue
- commit to the fork repo using a commit message of the format
#123: Issue Queue Title
- go to
and clickPull requests
. - enter a description of the commit in the PR and issue it
- Wait for travis-ci to test to ensure the build passes, then wait for a maintainer to merge your PR
- Do a happy dance, you've made education better looking