What is it
Media is an asset management tool - the space for hosting all media assets (videos, images, documents, audio etc.) to be displayed across any course within the system. From here, shortcodes are generated to embed any asset into a course site with a variety of pre-built style options known as 'view modes'. Assets can therefore be centrally maintained and changes to any asset will be cascaded down to update all instances of it in all the courses it is used. All asset types can be tagged and/or assigned to a specific course to allow for easy filtering and organisation of assets for content producers.
What it has
The uploading of audio files in mp3 format.
Word, PDF, Excel, Powerpoint docs. That sort of stuff. A document link in then created to embed within the course site.
External Video
Allows for the streaming of videos from an external source such as YouTube or Vimeo
Image types supported are png, jpg (or jpeg) and gifs. From here there is also the option to provide citation text, captions and/or figure labels.
Interactive Content
Interactive content is developed using the H5P plugin which allows for the authoring of a variety of HTML5 assets such as quizzes, games, hotspots etc. Many interactive content types emit xAPI/TinCan learning record statements, which can be used to track learner interaction within a Learning Record Store. Visit the H5P website to learn more -
For embedding vector graphics.
Video files can be uploaded directly here. The content producer can additionally upload: • a poster image to show before the video has been played • a caption file for showing sub-titles • a transcript text file